It’s Arrived… The Young Carers Card

The young carers card is waiting for you!!

The card is a form of identification for young carers aged 11 to 18 living in Stockton-on Tees to support them with their caring role.  It prevents young carers from having to explain themselves a number of times and supports their emotional health and wellbeing.

If you would like to register with Eastern Ravens Trust for a card, its as easy as 1, 2, 3…

  1. Contact us and we’ll send you a form
  2. Return the completed form to us with an up to date photograph
  3. We’ll send you your card

If you can’t send us a photograph that’s no problem… just let us know and we’ll arrange to have your photograph taken by a member of staff.

card1 card2

Click here to read more about young carers and find our referral forms.


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